App, calibration tools and SDKs for you to use.
Volumetric Video
A list of frequently asked questions to help
you understand how it works.
What is volumetric video?
It is an emerging technological advancement or continuation of the regular Digital Video technology. The main technical difference of Volumetric Video is the use of depth data and multible cameras. This enables to record in three-dimensions exactly as it is in the physical reality we live in.
How long does it take to setup a volumetric capture stage?
Due to our fully automated calibration process it takes just a few minutes to setup all your cameras in a single 3D space.
What's the difference between all the possible export types?
.ply file format supports pointcloud and meshes without textures, while also being able to store data in binary, thus reducing file size. .obj file fomat support pointcloud, meshes and textures, but can’t store data in binary thus increase file size. .gltf or .glb allows you to store the whole volumetric video in a single or in two files.
Why some of my cameras are not shown in the camera list?
There are multiple possible reasons. To ensure that a camera is shown you can try doing these steps: unplug all the cables from the camera, wait for a couple of seconds and plug them all back in. Ensure that no other program is using that camera (like zoom). After all this, refresh the camera list. If your camera is still not shown, try launching the Azure Kinect viewer, otherwise known as k4aviewer and check if that program is able to find your camera. If even the viewer is not finding your camera then it might be faulty.
Why did the program crash/freeze?
We are activelly developping this program, so bugs and program crashes can still happen for various reasons. In order to help fix any issue that you encountered it would be great if you were to contact us ( describing what you were doing that led to the program crash as well as sending us your program log files. It can be found by clicking [Help]->[Open Logs path] in EFEVE top menu or going to the path C:\Users\[YOUR USER]\AppData\LocalLow\EF EVE\EF EVE and finding the files called Player.log and Player-prev.log.
Can i use volumetric video in other creative software?
EF EVE has many partnerships with other creative software companies. You can easily integrate your volumetric videos into Unity, Unreal Engine, TouchDesigner, Notch and other major programs.
How fast is the calibration process?
Recording usually takes ~10-20seconds per camera pair. Calibration is automatic and usually takes ~20seconds per camera. If you are able to get a good calibration recording from the first try, then you should be able to calibrate your volumetric capture setup within 2-5minutes. Which can become longer if you have more cameras (7-12 azure kinects). Calibration has two major steps, recording marker positions and calibrating.
Can I remove a green screen or a blue screen?
Yes, there’s a feature called Chroma Key that does exactly that, so you can record your stage with a green or blue screen and then remove it later with out built in tools. Alternatively if our chrome key feature is not good enough for your use case you can also export the recorded images and post-process them in another software to remove the green screen.
How many cameras should I use?
Highly depends on what your final goal is. Usually we recommend the usage of 4-7 Azure Kinect cameras for a good recording from all directorions. However you can get even better volumetric capture results with more cameras all the way up to 10 or 12. You can also go lower, with as few as 2 cameras it is technically possible to cover the scene by recording from opposite directions.
Why am I unable to login?
There are multiple possible reasons, most of which should be stated within the program after an unsuccessful login, but the most common reason are:
* The program was not started with admin privileges (run as administrator)
* You don’t have internet access
* Your network is blocking connection with our servers
In any other case you should contact us and let us know what error message your are given by the program.
What should be my PC specs for a 4 azure kinedt setup?
CPU: Intel® Core™ i9-10920X @3.5GHz (cores:12/ threads:24); RAM: 64GB Quad Channel (4x 16GB); GPU: Minimum: NVIDIA RTX A2000 (Recommended: NVIDIA RTX A4000); 4 Port USB3.0 PCIe Cards with 4 Dedicated 5Gbps Channels (4 usb host controllers). For different camera number setup see requirements here
US Patent Approved
Our key technology is patent protected

Depth Codec for 3D-Video Recording and Streaming Applications (Patent No.: US 10,827,161 B2)
This invention provides a codec for depth compression and decompression in 3D-video streaming, recording and visualization applications. The codec comprises a step of dynamic depth interlacing at pixel level, according to the detected movements.